Daily Japanese Expressions: Phrases for Farewell.
We pick up and share some useful Japanese (Nihongo) phrases which you can use in your daily life in Japan.
Winter is over and spring is here. This is the season of farewell.
So for today, we would like to show some Japanese phrases which you can use for farewells.
いろいろありがとう!(iroiro arigatou.)
Thank you for everything!
Good luck!
ご多幸をお祈りしています!(Gotakou wo oinori shiteimasu!)
Best wishes!
友だちでいてくれてありがとう(Tomodachi de itekurete arigatou.)
Thanks for being my good friend.
これからも連絡を取ろうね(Korekaramo renraku wo toroune.)
Let’s keep in touch.
友情は永遠だよ!(Yuujou ha eienndayo!)
Our friendship is forever!
If you cannot say this perfectly, don’t worry about it. Because your friend may doesn’t care. The most important point is your heart.
Use the Japanese phrase and enjoy your daily life in Japan.
See you soon.
ことば の箱を空けてみよう!
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